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How to create a booking contract

Optune enables you to create customized contracts and contract templates for your bookings. Here's how:

Tobias avatar
Written by Tobias
Updated over a week ago




PART I - Creating a contract

Starting from your Personal Dashboard, go to your drop-down menu and select Contracts & Offers

This brings you to the Contracts & Offers overview where you can see the contracts and offers that are Open and those which are Done, or passed their completion date. In this case, we want to create a new contract, so we'll select the Templates button at the right of the page.

Your existing templates for both contracts and offers are displayed on the right of the page. It's important to include the word "Contract" in your template name so that you can easily differentiate between the two types. 

Now select Add New Template.

Start by giving your template a name
, and remember to include the word "Contract" in it.

In order to save your contract template while you're working on it, you must first give it a name in the field at the top left of the page.
Then go to the bottom of the page and click Save Template.

To change the language of the contract, follow this FAQ.

On the right, you can see the PLACEHOLDER VALUE. These words or characters (enter whichever you prefer) will show up in place of any hashtags that haven't yet  been assigned. The hashtags are explained more fully below.

Designing your contract template:

Add your personal or company logo by clicking or dropping your file into the LOGO box to the right. Also, choose whether you want the Envelope Window Position to be on the left or right by clicking the button in the centre. The fields will automatically adjust. 

Scroll down. On the right side of the page is the contact information for the CONTRACT RECEIVER. You can search in your contact database for existing contacts, and their information will automatically be filled in should you select one of them. If the particular contact name isn't already in your database, you can create a new contact. In this case, we're creating a general contract, so we'll leave out the specific contact information for now. 

On the left of the page is the CONTRACT SENDER information - your agency information that appears automatically based on what you entered into your Optune account. 

Next, enter the CONTRACT ISSUE DATE.

Moving down the page, add a title for your contract and take note of the toolbar at the top of the document creator. This is handy for adjusting the appearance of your contract by including bold text, bullet points and tables for organizing your content. 

Now it's time to consider the content of your contract. Along with the toolbar, Optune also provides you with a Hashtag library

Take a moment to scroll down and view the "Available hashtag-library". 

These hashtags are meant to be copied and pasted into your template. They draw from the information that you have already entered into the booking overview. 

When you place one of the available hashtags into the template, Optune will automatically REPLACE that hashtag with its related information. For example, if you copy and paste "#receiverCompany" into the template, that hashtag will be replaced by the name of the contract receiver company (which is visible at the top left of the page).  Find more information about the hashtag feature

In order to see which names and information will actually appear on the contract, you must click "Preview" or "Print" (which also provides a preview) at the top of the page. 

If you select the "Print" button, you'll see the "Contract Print" page which shows you how the contract will appear when it's printed. You'll also be able to see how the hashtags have been replaced with the corresponding information that you previously entered into that particular booking. 

After you've reviewed the print format, you can either click "Cancel" or "Print". When you select "Cancel", it brings you back to the contract template, and you can make adjustments as needed by selecting the "Edit" button at the top of the page.

Getting back to adding content to your contract, here's an example of how using the "Tables" feature (at the far right of the toolbar) can improve the overall organization and appearance of a template.  

At the bottom of your contract are Signature fields. You can choose to include them or leave them out by clicking the button at the left. 

When your template looks the way you want it to (check the Preview option again!) click Save/ Update Template at the bottom of the page.

`Then go back to the Contracts & Offers page where you can see the new template has been added to your list. 


PART II - Apply the new contract template to an actual booking

From the Contracts & Offers page, click on the Optune logo at the top left to return to your Personal Dashboard. Then choose a booking from your list or calendar for which you would like to create a contract. 

This will bring you into the Booking Overview for that particular listing. When you scroll down, you see the various drop-down cards associated with the booking.
Before creating a contract, make sure that you have filled in as much information as possible about the booking. What type of "DEAL" is it? Who are the "CONTACTS"? What is the ticket price? If you require additional information, perhaps you should send a "BOOKING DETAILS REQUEST" form to the promoter. You can find that card under "Collaboration" to the right side of the page. Here's a link to how that works.

Assuming that the information has been filled in, you can now select "CONTRACTS & OFFERS" from the drop-down cards. 

Then click on Create new Contract / Offer.

Select the template that we just created titled Basic Performance Contract, and choose Contract as the type of document that you're creating.

Now you'll want adjust the contract to suit the needs of the particular booking, which may include adding the receiver information, changing the details and look of the agreement, and reviewing any information that isn't going to be replaced by the hashtags.

While you're creating your contract, remember to frequently click Save Contract at the bottom of the page.


When you're ready to see how it looks, click on Preview or Print at the top of the page. 

You can see that the hashtags have been replaced with the information from the booking. 

Now your contract is ready to be printed and shared with the promoter. If you wish to make more changes, cancel the print and return to the contract. You can make alterations as you wish, and then either preview it again or click on Update Contract at the bottom of the page. 

Upon finishing your contract and returning to your Booking Overview, you can then see your new contract listed under the CONTRACTS & OFFERS card. You can open it again, make changes, or delete it when the booking has been completed.


The only difference between Contract templates and Offer templates is that contracts include a signature line at the bottom of the document and offers do not. Otherwise, the functions of the two templates are the same. 

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