NOTE: A CSV (Comma Separated Values) file draws the information from your account and displays it in the form of a spreadsheet for easy viewing. You can then send this file to your graphic designer, or to a revenue agency for tax purposes, for example.
PART 1: Exporting booking info
PART 2: Exporting contact info
PART 1: Exporting booking info
NOTE: As an agency, these steps will export the booking info for ALL of your artists. If you would like to export the info for a particular artist, simply go into their profile and select the Show Bookings button. Follow the same steps mentioned here.
Starting at your Dashboard, go into your Bookings overview and click on Filter at the right side of your screen just under your profile picture.
A number of options drop down including the Export CSV button. Before clicking on it, decide which booking information you would like to have appear in your file (the EVENTS button is set ON by default).
If you'd like to display the BLOCKED DATES, simply click the button. The same goes for the ON REQUEST and TOUR PLANNING dates.
You may also export your booking info while you're in the calendar view of your Dashboard. In this case, all of the export filters are set ON, assuming that you want to include every marked date on your calendar.
When you've set your filters, click on the Export CSV button. Your file will download to your computer. Go into your downloads and select the new file named events.csv. You'll see that it contains a comprehensive table listing the details of each booking including the start times, artist names, venues, event names, fees, deal types, etc.
You can now send this file as an attachment to your trusted collaborators.
PART 2: Exporting contact info
Starting at your Dashboard, click on the drop-down menu at the right and select Contacts.
This brings you to your Manage Contacts page. Simply click on the Export CSV button at the right of your screen under your profile picture.
Your CSV file will be downloaded to your computer, and will include all existing contact information in spreadsheet format. Share this file as an attachment with your trusted collaborators.