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How to hide the headers and footers on printed contracts and invoices
How to hide the headers and footers on printed contracts and invoices

Show only the information that is directly relevant to your contracts and invoices, and keep a clean design.

Ryan avatar
Written by Ryan
Updated over a week ago

In this example, we'll show you how this function works when creating a new contract. The same process is applicable to contract templates and invoice templates that you've already created for a booking.  

From your Dashboard or Booking Overview, choose the booking for which you want to print a contract or invoice.

Now at the Booking Overview, scroll down and open the "CONTRACTS" card. Select "Create new Contract".

At the top of the page, click on the "SELECT OR CREATE TEMPLATE" field. You can choose from your existing templates or make a new one. In this case, we're selecting one that we've already created. 

When the template opens, click "Preview Print".

You can see that the headings and footers are automatically included on the print version. To remove them, click on "More settings" to the left of the preview page.

Click on "Headers and footers".

A new preview will load, and you will see that they have been removed. You can now print your contract or invoice free of headers and footers.  This will remain so for future documents unless you decide to once again change the settings.

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