The "PUBLIC PROFILE PAGE" allows you to easily share important files and information with bookers and venues. After having filled in the details on your Artist Profile, the link will include:
a short description of the artist
upcoming gigs
a Booking Request form
tech and hospitality riders
a press kit and links to the artist's social media pages.
Simply copy-paste the link, and send it to the booker or venue manager.
Here's an example:
Starting at your "Personal Dashboard", click on your profile picture at the top right of your page. Select "ARTIST PROFILE" from the pop-up menu.
The link you want to use says "PUBLIC PROFILE PAGE". This link is gathering the information from your profile which you have already entered into the fields beneath the "DESCRIPTION/LINKS/CONNECTIONS", "PRESS PICTURE/PRESS KIT" and "TECH RIDER / HOSPITALITY RIDER" headings.
To the right of the link is a button for copying it (green arrow) and a button for viewing it (red arrow).
There you go! This is the "Public Profile Page". Now share it with your team!