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Generate invoices for your bookings

Optune makes it easy for you to create and issue invoices.

Tobias avatar
Written by Tobias
Updated over a week ago

To jump to an explanation of how to add a QR Code to your invoices (for invoices being sent to Switzerland), click here.


You can generate an invoice directly from your Booking Overview or you can begin by creating a template which you can then apply to various bookings. For the purpose of this guide, we'll begin by creating a template.

Part 1: Creating an invoice template
Part 2: Using your template in a booking



It's wise to click the Save Template button periodically while you're working on your invoice.



Starting at your Dashboard, go to the drop-down menu and select INVOICES.

Then click on the Templates button at the right of your page.

Now select Add New Template.

Now you're in the Edit mode of the Create new Invoice page. 

Enter a name for your template, and decide which words or characters you'd like to use as your PLACEHOLDER VALUE ("t.b.d" or "To be defined" is the default placeholder). This is what will appear in place of the hashtags if you have not yet entered all of the information into a booking. The hashtags draw info from your bookings, and are replaced by that info when you preview or print your template. For information on how to use the hashtags, please visit our FAQ. To change the language of the invoice, go to this FAQ.

Scrolling down, on the right you can add or change your agency logo. Your agency's contact information, taken automatically from your Optune account, is displayed below. 

On the left, in the BILL TO field, you can enter the name of the invoice receiver. If you've already entered contacts into your account, a drop-down list of them will appear, and you can choose one of them as the recipient. If not, you may create a new contact now. 

Next, add the customer and invoice reference numbers on the right. Then come up with a title for the invoice, and add a friendly note to address the receiver. 


Anytime while you're creating your invoice, you can click on Preview at the top of the page. This will give you a better idea of how it's looking, and how the hashtags are being replaced by the corresponding booking information. 

Under the Payment Positions section, make sure to type in the expected currency, the tax amount and the fee for the artist. Optune automatically displays the breakdown of the total fee. 

And don't forget to include CLOSING TEXT for the invoice. 

Next, add the Terms and Conditions and your banking information.

CLICK SAVE TEMPLATE. You'll find it again under the Templates section of your Invoices page.

You can then preview your template, or see what it will look like when printed (or as a pdf) by selecting the Print button at the top left of the page.

Now that your template is finished, it's time to use it for a booking. 



Return to your Dashboard, and choose one of your Upcoming Bookings.

This brings you to the Booking Overview

Assuming that you've already filled in most of the information about the booking, move down and select the Invoices card. 

Here you can choose from three different Quick-add Options. In this case, we'll go for the first one, the Full Deal. Just below these options, you can also select Create new Invoice, if you like. 

Firstly, from the SELECT TEMPLATE field, select the template that we just created titled Agency Basic Invoice

Then decide if you'd like to use the default PLACEHOLDER VALUE, or if you'd like to choose your own by simply typing it into the field. 

Select to whom you'd like to send the invoice, and add an INVOICE ISSUE DATE and a PAYMENT DUE DATE.

Next, verify that all of the information is correct, and click Preview at the top to make sure the hashtags have been replaced by the corresponding booking information. 

You can also click on the Print button to get a page-view, as seen below.

Save the invoice, and choose to print it or share it with the promoter / receiver. It will now be available to view, edit or delete in the Invoices section of your drop-down menu, or in the Booking Overview. 

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